Source code for unityapiclient.client

"""Client for the Unity IDM APIs.

The client provides methods for interacting with the Administration API of a Unity IDM server.

Client instantiation requires specifying the server's base URL and optionally, the deployment path of the endpoint and API version (currently there is only one).

import logging
import requests

from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
import pytz

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class UnityApiClient: # Thursday, 1 January 1970, 00:00:00 UTC _EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=pytz.utc) def __init__(self, server_base_url, **kwargs): """Constructs a new :class:`UnityApiClient <UnityApiClient>`. :param server_base_url: base URL of the Unity IDM server. :param rest_admin_path: API endpoint path. Defaults to `rest-admin`. :param api_version: API version. Defaults to `v1`. :param auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable HTTP Auth. :param cert_verify: (optional) whether the server SSL cert will be verified. A CA_BUNDLE path can also be provided. Defaults to ``True``. """ self.__session = requests.Session() if 'auth' in kwargs: self.__session.auth = kwargs['auth'] self.__session.verify = kwargs.setdefault('cert_verify', DEFAULT_CERT_VERIFY) self.__api_base_url = self._build_api_base_url( server_base_url, kwargs.setdefault('rest_admin_path', DEFAULT_REST_ADMIN_PATH), kwargs.setdefault('api_version', DEFAULT_API_VERSION))
[docs] def get_group(self, group_path=None): """Returns all members and subgroups of the specified group. If ``group_path`` is not supplied, then the method returns all root-level groups and members. @param group_path: (optional) path to group whose subgroups and members to retrieve. Example response:: { "subGroups" : [ ], "members" : [ 3 ] } """ if group_path is not None: path = '/group/' + group_path else: path = '/group/%2F' try: response = self.__session.get(self.__api_base_url + path) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message) return response
[docs] def get_entity(self, entity_id): """Returns information about the identified entity, including its status and all identities. @param entity_id: numeric identifier of the entity whose status and identities to retrieve. Example response:: { "id" : 3, "state" : "valid", "identities" : [ { "typeId" : "userName", "value" : "tested", "target" : null, "realm" : null, "local" : true, "entityId" : 3, "comparableValue" : "tested" }, { "typeId" : "persistent", "value" : "129ffe63-63b9-4467-ae24-6bc889327b0d", "target" : null, "realm" : null, "local" : true, "entityId" : 3, "comparableValue" : "129ffe63-63b9-4467-ae24-6bc889327b0d" } ], "credentialInfo" : { "credentialRequirementId" : "cr-pass", "credentialsState" : { "credential1" : { "state" : "notSet", "extraInformation" : "" } } } } """ path = '/entity/' + str(entity_id) try: response = self.__session.get(self.__api_base_url + path) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message) return response
[docs] def get_entity_groups(self, entity_id): """Returns all groups of the identified entity. @param entity_id: numeric identifier of the entity whose groups to retrieve. Example response:: ["/example/sub","/example","/"] """ path = '/entity/' + str(entity_id) + '/groups' try: response = self.__session.get(self.__api_base_url + path) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message) return response
[docs] def get_entity_attrs(self, entity_id, group_path=None, effective=True): """Returns all attributes of the identified entity. If ``group_path`` is not supplied, then the method returns the attributes in all groups the entity is member of. @param entity_id: numeric identifier of the entity whose attributes to retrieve. @param group_path: (optional) path to the group associated with the attributes to retrieve. @param effective: (optional) whether to retrieve only directly defined or effective attributes (by default True). Example response:: [ { "values" : [ "/9j/4AAQSk .... KKKKACiiigD//2Q==" ], "direct" : true, "name" : "jpegA", "groupPath" : "/example", "visibility" : "full", "syntax" : "jpegImage" }, { "values" : [ "value" ], "direct" : true, "name" : "stringA", "groupPath" : "/example", "visibility" : "full", "syntax" : "string" } ] """ path = '/entity/' + str(entity_id) + '/attributes' params = {'effective': effective} if group_path is not None: params['group'] = group_path try: response = self.__session.get(self.__api_base_url + path, params=params) response.raise_for_status() response = response.json() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message) return response
[docs] def remove_entity_attr(self, entity_id, attr_name): """Removes the given attribute of the identified entity. @param entity_id: numeric identifier of the entity whose attribute to remove @param attr_name: name of the attribute to remove """ path = '/entity/' + str(entity_id) + '/attribute/' + str(attr_name) try: response = self.__session.delete(self.__api_base_url + path) response.raise_for_status() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message)
[docs] def schedule_operation(self, entity_id, operation, when=None, identity_type=None): """Schedules an operation to be invoked at a given time on the identified entity. Allowed operations are: 'REMOVE' and 'DISABLE'. Important: This method requires a privileged user. @param entity_id: numeric identifier of the entity for which to schedule the operation. @param operation: operation to be scheduled. Allowed operations are: 'REMOVE' and 'DISABLE'. @parm when: (optional) datetime when to invoke the operation (default is now). Naive datetime instances assume UTC time. @param identity_type: (optional) type of identity for which to schedule the operation. """ if operation not in ['REMOVE', 'DISABLE']: raise ValueError('Unknown operation: %r' % operation) path = '/entity/' + str(entity_id) + '/admin-schedule' params = {'operation': operation} if when is not None: if not isinstance(when, datetime): raise TypeError("when argument must be an instance of datetime") params['when'] = self._time_ms(when) if identity_type is not None: params['identityType'] = identity_type try: response = self.__session.put(self.__api_base_url + path, params=params) response.raise_for_status() except (requests.HTTPError, requests.ConnectionError), error: raise Exception(error.message)
def _build_api_base_url(self, server_base_url, rest_admin_path, api_version): return '{0}/{1}/{2}'.format(server_base_url, rest_admin_path, api_version) def _time_ms(self, dt): """Returns the number of milliseconds since the epoch for the specified datetime""" if dt.tzinfo is None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) return int((dt - self._EPOCH).total_seconds() * 1000)